Seven Questions, Seven Answers: Meet the C.E.O.


Meet the heart of Chico’s Cheesecakes, Ms. Jasmine L. Williams. As the Chief Operating Officer and Head Baker, Jasmine has made it her mission to honor the legacy of her grandfather  Maurice “Chico” Harrell one cheesecake at a time. Here’s seven questions that give us insight about the woman behind the brand! 

Question #1: If you could pick a day to relive over and over, Groundhog Day style, what day would it be and why? 

Jasmine: Taking the yearly drive to Alabama when it was just Papa and I! Getting to my Aunt Eddie Mae house, being welcomed with a warm hug then a feast on the table. She always had fried fish, spaghetti, salad, and rolls waiting on us; even if  we got there in the middle of the night. If I could just get that day back once a year, baaabbbby it would mean the world to me.

Question #2: What was the last show you binge-watched? 

Jasmine: The Wire… I know I know I am yeeeaaarrrssss late but I finally got the chance to watch the show. It’s dope.

Questions #3: Describe a typical day in the Chico’s Cheesecake kitchen in only FIVE words. 

Jasmine: Whiskey. Peace. Movie. Vibe.  Passion.  

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Question #4: If you had a theme song, what would it be? 

Jasmine: I’m a Hustla by Cassidy! On those days when I’m too tired, I look in the mirror and remember if nobody else can do it, I can most definitely sell Raid to a bug or salt to a slug. 

Question #5: What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? 

Jasmine: I have done A LOT of spontaneous things in my life. I love a great thrill. If I had to pick one though, it would be Sky Diving in the middle of Winter in Georgia. During the Winter, Georgia doesn’t get that cold. However, when you’re hundreds of miles in the sky, it’s freezing! So, imagine trying to breathe through thick air, as the wind smacks your face, and your hands are frozen BUT it was still a great time and I would do it again.

Question #6: Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat as your home or an RV as your home? 

 Jasmine: Sailboat! I love to travel and see different parts of the world that a RV could never reach.

Question #7: If you could offer a first-time entrepreneur only one piece of advice, what would it be? 

Jasmine: Don’t wait until you have it all figured out before you start, just GO FOR IT. I am learning that as a business owner, you’ll NEVER have it all figured out because the world constantly changes, and then  you get hit with something like a pandemic. You will learn along the way and connect with some dope individuals that will be there to help along the way.

Jasmine L Williams