A Tribute to Gabby

As you all know, Chico’s Cheesecakes is a family business. Everyone plays their part, even down to the smallest of members! From taste-tasting new flavors to posing for cute pictures, introducing the next generation to the family business has been adventurous to say the least! I am all about building generational wealth and there’s one young lady in particular that has been one for the driving forces behind Chico’s Cheesecakes.


Whether she’s called Gabs, Mudders, The Gabster or Gabrielle, she will always be my ShoNuf Jr. My Niece Gabby. I still remember the day she was born. At first glance, she reminded me of a cute little glow worm (she doesn’t look like that now, of course.) Once she graced this earth, her presence has been a much-needed breath of fresh air. Niece Gabby is vibrant; a personality that lingers even when she has left the room. She is bold yet so compassionate and caring. A tough cookie no doubt; force to be reckoned with. 


As a present for her 9th birthday last year, I allowed her to create a flavor that represented her true self and Viola!


Since teal is her favorite color, she decided on that color along with two other bright colors that showed her live-out-loud radiant personality! Truly, what a privilege it's been to have this young lady look up to me. Someone I can pass down cherished memories, family traditions, life lessons, and now, one of many family-owned businesses. My family and I will keep on planting those seeds in our youth and from the looks of things, our crops are doing just fine. 

Jasmine L Williams