Part III: Seven Questions, Seven Answers with Jasmine L. Williams

We’re back for our third and final round of Seven Questions, Seven Answers with the C.E.O. and Head Baker of Chico’s Cheesecakes Jasmine L. Williams. Today we discuss hard candies, intriguing animals and a valuable lesson that everyone should walk away with.

Question 1: Would you rather snack on fruit-flavored candy or chocolate candy?

Jasmine: I just can’t pick one. I need BOTH. I usually eat one right after the other. For instance, I’ll start with a Hershey Almond bar at noon then follow up with some Hi-Chews around 12:30. It’s a perfect balance. 

Question 2:  If you could talk to one species of animal which would it be? 

Jasmine: Sloths! I think that they are sooooo cute. And when they do that slow smile, oh my gosh!!! I just want to know what they’re thinking about that makes them feel so happy.

Question 3: What is something that most people learn only after it’s too late? 

Jasmine: How precious time is. There’s been so many times when I’ve given my time to someone or a particular project then realized how much of my time had been wasted. Majority of people complain about their lack of money, but you can always make more money. Time is something you can never get back. I believe in leaving behind anything that doesn’t bring me peace and spending more time with people I love and things that makes my heart smile.

Question 4: What skill or craft would you like to master? 

Jasmine: I want to master speaking AT LEAST 3 to 5 different languages fluently. I know a little bit of French and Spanish. I definitely want to learn Mandarin Chinese. Arabic too. 

Question 5: What do you miss most about being a kid?

Jasmine: Early Saturday mornings. I miss waking up to make myself a big bowl of cereal and watch cartoons before my mom made breakfast for the entire family. I miss taking those long trips to Alabama for the 4th  of July.

Question 6: What fact amazes you every time you think of it? 

Jasmine: The fact that my parents raised three DOPE women! I look back on all our accomplishments individually and collectively and think.... “Anthony and Chonese… ya’ll might know a little something something lol.” My family as a whole, Niece Gabby included, are just simply amazing, even when they work my last nerve.

Question 7: What’s one super power you would NOT want?

Jasmine: I would not want to have the ability to read people’s minds. I would go crazy! I already have 50 million thoughts going through my head every minute. Now that I think about it, I would probably feel like Jim Carey from that movie Bruce Almighty so NO THANK YOU!

Jasmine L Williams